Sacred Heart: A 3 day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat for men & women in CZ. 22- 25 AUG

Regular price €300,00

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⋘⋖ Let it cut you more deep. Let it ferment and season you as few humans and even divine ingredients can. Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft, my voice so tender, my need for God absolutely clear. ⋗⋙ Hafez

Presented in English in the Czech Republic. Offered to men and women.
During this precious time together, we will dive deep into the infinite Stillness of the Spiritual Heart.


We are craving for connection, for love, for intimacy, for freedom, for finally feeling at Home. In times where war and suffering seems incommensurable we are being strongly called to find the Peace Within.
Guess what? What you long for is not “out-there”, but rather “it’s Here, Now” at the very essential core of Who you Truly Are. Sages and mystics discovered millenia ago that the Heart is a secret mysterious doorway to your True Essence. A portal to overflowing Grace, ecstasy, freedom, profound Love & Peace. These are the Sacred Teachings of the Heart.
On this Silent Meditation Retreat Journey, Haliama will guide you back to the Wisdom of your Heart, your Very Own Being.
It is with great honour and a humble heart that Haliama invites you to join her in this special dive into the sacred mystery of the Spiritual Heart, at the tranquil sanctuary of the Czech Republic.
During this Silent Meditation Retreat we will explore authentic Meditation and Hatha Yoga practices, Lectures and Contemplations to help you discover the depth of your Being, Who You Truly Are.
Haliama is a certified Hridaya Meditation & Yoga Teacher, whose Pure Intention for this lifetime is to lovingly share the Wisdom of Heart for the benefit of All. She has taken eight 10 day silence meditation retreats, one 17 days meditation retreats and one 30 day meditation retreats. She is also creator of Cacao Amaite, an international project that shares Cacao as a Sacred medicine.


  • Guided  Hridaya Meditations
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga
  • Authentic spiritual lectures
  • Ceremonial Cacao & Pranayama
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Practical tools for integration
  • Nature Bathing

To keep the flow of the pure transmission, this retreat will be shared only in English. It is open for men and women.


  • Complete Daily Teaching Schedule and practices
  • 3 Nights' Accommodation in rooms
  • Three Delicious Vegetarian Meals per day
  • Ceremonial cacao elixirs shared during the retreat
  • 1 online group session prior to the retreat to review the guidelines of the retreat (date to be confirmed)
  • 1 online group session after the retreat (date to be confirmed with the group).


Thursday 22th - Sunday 25th August 2024

The retreat runs from 23-24 but we arrive on the afternoon of the 22nd to settle down.

We arrive on Thursday 22nd around 4 pm to settle down and have the welcome session and Q&A. We formally start the retreat on Friday 23rd at 7 am and we finish on Sunday at 5 pm.

We will have one online group session before the retreat starts to explain the guidelines. We will have one online group session after the retreat starts to follow-up.


In the beautiful space of Trimurti, Meditation Retreat Center
Vojtěchov 11, Lísek, Czech Republic 593 01

Price for the retreat

The inspiration to share this retreat is to share authentic spiritual teachings. The cost of the retreat is to cover all accommodation, meals and logistics costs only. The teachings and energy of Haliama are donation-based, so If you would like to make a donation for Haliama, you can do it at the end of the retreat.

We have limited spaces available and once the places are taken, the retreat is closed.

Previous experience

You do not need any previous experience in meditation, although is better if you already have a contact with meditation. The most important is that you have a longing for peace, rest, connection with yourself and with God. That you are longing to open your Heart.

This retreat is open for men and women.

What energy does it require from me?

This silent meditation retreat is an intensive 3 days. We will be together for this 3 days in this container. So this process requieres complete dedication and keeping silence for these 3 days.

This process is for you if you want to:

  • Find a place of profound peace and connection with your self.
  • Detox from external distractions.
  • Be in silence with yourself and know yourself better.
  • Dive deep into the Space of the Heart and into your True Nature.

This is NOT:

  • A retreat for resting and sleeping. Although we wont practice intense physical exercises, your mind will go into a purification process of beliefs and emotions and this can be intense.
  • A personalized therapeutic follow-up. But assistance will be provided to you during the retreat.

I am ready! Where do I sign up?

Please sign up filling this formulary:

Please make your payment in the webpage or in our account: 123-8262670297/0100. KB BANKA

 Please contact us in our Contact section if you have any questions or directly to

May all the beings be Happy, may all the Beings be at Peace, May all the Beings remember their true nature.

Testimonials Czech Republic

Guidance of Haliama is very gentle and simple, yet very powerfull and deep. In czech language we have for it word ,,jednoduchost“, which means simplicity, but it consist of words,,unity“ and ,,spirit“. This is how Haliama works. Im very grateful for sharing her traditional wisdom with us, for amazing cacao Amaité she brings us here, and everything, what she do for opening our hearts and strengthen our bodies with vital force of Spirit. Drinking cacao every day with sacredness is literally life-changing experience of how we feel, think and act in our daily life. Thank you very much for this experience of love!“

Margot Rahimée Gabrielle, Women leader, Czech Republic

I love cacao. Have no every day, but I work with him very much. With my heart and emotion. In November and December I will have my first cacao ceremony at my seminar. Cacao have very nice energy, very strong and lovely. On the training by you in Brno, I get with cacao initiation and blessing for my mission of soul and my life. I worked with samanism for many years very intensively, but a few months from this time not. Now I feel the new connection, with the plants, cacao, animals, ancestors etc :). Thank you very much for your wonderful training. 

Miriam Stelariia Alaria. Spirit & life & business mentorka, Czech Republic

Testimonials Mexico

It really exceeded my expectations, it was an incredible workshop, the energy and the magical way of sharing this knowledge by Haliama was incredible, I feel really happy and grateful for having met truly wonderful beings, once again I verify that cacao is the heart medicine.

Ana, Yoga teacher, Mexico

This has been a very enriching workshop as it helped me connect at an even deeper level of my heart, thus opening me to new possibilities and practices, helping me to remember and regain my value as well as my life mission, Thank you Haliama!

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