For ceremony and inner work
In Cacao Amaité we believe that LOVE is the most powerful, transformative and healing energy. Cacao is known as a medicine that help us open our heart and connect to higher states of consciousness. For many years drinking cacao in sacred ceremonies as the Mayan Civilization did, was lost and forgotten.
Now as humanity is in a process of awakening, we know I'x Cacao is here again to support us in this individual and collective consciousness evolution, guiding us through unconditional love, compassion and surrender.
For body and mind health
100% pure ceremonial cacao is a complex cocktail with more than 300 beneficial compounds. It's rich in minerals and antioxidants and packed with neurotransmitters to improve your mood. Regularly drinking ceremonial cacao has many scientifically-proven benefits.
Physical: improves circulatory and immune system, helps anti-aging, reduces bad cholesterol and increases the absorption of other nutrients.
Mental and emotional: makes you feel more happy, relaxed, at peace and connected with yourself and other people.

For increased focus and creativity
Cacao contains theobromine, a gentle and grounded stimulant, very adequate and healthy substitute to caffeine. Cacao energizes you and increases your focus and awareness.
Also, drinking cacao allows higher blood circulation in your body and to your brain. This improves your physical and mental wellbeing and relaxation, hence facilitating creative processes. Creativity can only arise in relaxed and aware bodies.
Our love-work for Cacao
"What You Seek Is Seeking You" - Rumi
Our purpose
In Cacao Amaité our ⋘⋖mission⋗⋙ is to inspire you with the awakening of your consciousness and your body-mind-heart healing through Cacao as a sacred medicine, just like our Mayan ancestors did.
We offer life-changing workshops, ceremonies, mentorship and ceremonial Cacao (healthy chocolate) to help you to live a more loving, connected, expanded, abundant and happy life. Welcome to the revolution of LOVE!
Our ⋘⋖vision⋗⋙ is a humanity that again embodies the values of our Mayan ancestors: health, strength, wisdom, purpose and respect for Mother Earth.
After years of intense spiritual work and sharing Cacao ceremonies with many souls in Mexico, Haliama received a message from Cacao spirit and traveled to the southern Chiapas in Mexico. Here she was able to work with the powerful energy of the lands where the Maya civilization planted cacao and prepared it as sacred elixir thousands of years ago. In these lands Cacao Amaité was born.
Our offerings
Cacao Amaité's LOVE offerings.
Take a look at what resonates the most in your Heart ღ.